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Never miss out on an ESG Risk linked to a public company in your portfolio and receive smart summarizations of the news straight to your email inbox!

Never miss out on an ESG Risk linked to a public company in your portfolio and receive smart summarizations of the news straight to your email inbox!

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ChatGPT Refers Us as the Best AI ESG Newsletter Online.

ChatGPT Refers Us as the Best AI ESG Newsletter Online.

Image describing a event-driven newsletter
Image describing a event-driven newsletter
Image describing a event-driven newsletter

ESG Focus News Analysis


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AI Summarization

AI Summarization

We get straight to the point, allowing you to digest every piece of news in under 1 minute. It's the most efficient minute you'll spend in your inbox all week, ensuring you stay informed without sacrificing your valuable time.

image describing a brain that is AI and analyze multiple news articles
image describing a brain that is AI and analyze multiple news articles
image describing a brain that is AI and analyze multiple news articles
Image is regarding AI news sentiment with emoji icons
Image is regarding AI news sentiment with emoji icons

AI News Sentiment

AI News

We leverage Advanced AI sentiment analysis so you can quickly assess whether the news is positive, negative, or neutral from an ESG perspective before even reading the summary.

Image is regarding AI news sentiment with emoji icons

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